Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation that is headquartered in Keilaniemi, Espoo, a city neighbouring Finland's capital Helsinki.Nokia is engaged in the manufacturing of mobile devices and in converging Internet and communications industries, with 128,445 employees in 120 countries, sales in more than 150 countries and global annual revenue of EUR 50.7 billion and operating profit of 5.0 billion as of 2008.It is the world's largest manufacturer of mobile telephones: its global device market share was about 38% in Q2 2009, down from 40% in Q2 2008 and up from 37% in Q1 2009.Nokia produces mobile devices for every major market segment and protocol, including GSM, CDMA, and W-CDMA (UMTS). Nokia offers Internet services that enable people to experience music, maps, media, messaging and games. Nokia's subsidiary Nokia Siemens Networks produces telecommunications network equipment, solutions and services.The company is also engaged in providing digital map information through its wholly-owned subsidiary Navteq.
Nokia has sites for research and development, manufacture and sales in many countries throughout the world. As of December 2008, Nokia had R&D presence in 16 countries and employed 39,350 people in research and development, representing approximately 31% of the group's total workforce.The Nokia Research Center, founded in 1986, is Nokia's industrial research unit consisting of about 500 researchers, engineers and scientists.It has sites in seven countries: Finland, China, India, Kenya, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.Besides its research centers, in 2001 Nokia founded (and owns) INdT – Nokia Institute of Technology, a R&D institute located in Brazil.Nokia operates a total of 15 manufacturing facilities located at Espoo, Oulu and Salo, Finland; Manaus, Brazil; Beijing, Dongguan and Suzhou, China; Farnborough, England; Komárom, Hungary; Chennai, India; Reynosa, Mexico; Jucu, Romania and Masan, South Korea.Nokia's Design Department remains in Salo, Finland.
Nokia is a public limited liability company listed on the Helsinki, Frankfurt, and New York stock exchanges.Nokia plays a very large role in the economy of Finland; it is by far the largest Finnish company, accounting for about a third of the market capitalization of the Helsinki Stock Exchange (OMX Helsinki) as of 2007, a unique situation for an industrialized country.It is an important employer in Finland and several small companies have grown into large ones as its partners and subcontractors.Nokia increased Finland's GDP by more than 1.5% in 1999 alone. In 2004 Nokia's share of the Finnish GDP was 3.5% and accounted for almost a quarter of Finland's exports in 2003.
Finns have consistently ranked Nokia as both the best Finnish brand and the best employer. The Nokia brand, valued at $34.9 billion, is listed as the fifth most valuable global brand in the Interbrand/BusinessWeek Best Global Brands list of 2009 (first non-US company).It is the number one brand in Asia (as of 2007)and Europe (as of 2008),the 42nd most admirable company worldwide in Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies list of 2009 (third in Network Communications, seventh non-US company),and the world's 85th largest company as measured by revenue in Fortune Global 500 list of 2009, up from 88th the previous year.As of 2009, AMR Research ranks Nokia's global supply chain number six in the world.
First mobile phone
The technologies that preceded modern cellular mobile telephony systems were the various "0G" pre-cellular mobile radio telephony standards. Nokia had been producing commercial and some military mobile radio communications technology since the 1960s, although this part of the company was sold some time before the later company rationalization. Since 1964, Nokia had developed VHF radio simultaneously with Salora Oy. In 1966, Nokia and Salora started developing the ARP standard (which stands for Autoradiopuhelin, or car radio phone in English), a car-based mobile radio telephony system and the first commercially operated public mobile phone network in Finland. It went online in 1971 and offered 100% coverage in 1978.
In 1979, the merger of Nokia and Salora resulted in the establishment of Mobira Oy. Mobira began developing mobile phones for the NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephony) network standard, the first-generation, first fully-automatic cellular phone system that went online in 1981.In 1982, Mobira introduced its first car phone, the Mobira Senator for NMT-450 networks.
The Mobira Cityman 150, Nokia's NMT-900 mobile phone from 1989 (left), compared to the Nokia 1100 from 2003.The Mobira Cityman line was launched in 1987.
Nokia bought Salora Oy in 1984 and now owning 100% of the company, changed the company's telecommunications branch name to Nokia-Mobira Oy. The Mobira Talkman, launched in 1984, was one of the world's first transportable phones. In 1987, Nokia introduced one of the world's first handheld phones, the Mobira Cityman 900 for NMT-900 networks (which, compared to NMT-450, offered a better signal, yet a shorter roam). While the Mobira Senator of 1982 had weighed 9.8 kg (22 lb) and the Talkman just under 5 kg (11 lb), the Mobira Cityman weighed only 800 g (28 oz) with the battery and had a price tag of 24,000 Finnish marks (approximately €4,560).Despite the high price, the first phones were almost snatched from the sales assistants’ hands. Initially, the mobile phone was a "yuppie" product and a status symbol.
Nokia's mobile phones got a big publicity boost in 1987, when Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was pictured using a Mobira Cityman to make a call from Helsinki to his communications minister in Moscow. This led to the phone's nickname of the "Gorba".
In 1988, Jorma Nieminen, resigning from the post of CEO of the mobile phone unit, along with two other employees from the unit, started a notable mobile phone company of their own, Benefon Oy (since renamed to GeoSentric).One year later, Nokia-Mobira Oy became Nokia Mobile Phones.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
group 1 - mcd
dasar yang ditentukan dan dikawal oleh kerajaan.kerajaan india dan rakyat india lebih mementingkan penggunaan barangan keluaran sndiri. untuk pemasaran di negara seperti india, mcd akan berhadapan masalah pemasaran yang rumit.
Merujuk seperti negara2 miskin seperti india,vietnam dan indonesia. ekonomi dalam sesebuah negara mempengaruhi dalam sesuatu perniagaan. bila sesebuah negara tidak atau kurang maju dan mempunyai ekonomi negara yang kurang stabil akan menjejaskan pelabur-pelabur luar utk melabur dalam sesebuah negara. rakyat juga lbh suka berjimat dan makan makanan masak sendiri sahaja.kerana rakyat sentiasa pentingkan setiap sen yang ada di tangan.masalah ini akan mempengaruhi pelan pemasaran seperti mcd.paling sesuai adalah negara2 maju seperti jepun. rakyat jepun mementingkan masa dan sentiasa tidak ada masa untuk memasak dirumah. tambahan pula rakyat jepun mmg suka makanan ringan. mcd merupakan perniagaan paling sesuai di negara seperti jepun
indonesia adalah sebuah negara yang blh diberi contoh yang mengalami masalah teknologi.merupakan sebuah Negara berasaskan pertanian dan perladangan.kurang alat2 komunikasi,pengangkutan barangan,intenet,penghantaran dan lain-lain akan memberi kesan buruk dalam perlaksanaan pemasaran.
negara india merupakan negara 90% rakyatnya beragama hindu. rakyatnya menentang makanan yang berasaskan daging lembu. lembu adalah lambang ketuhanan mereka.secara xlgsg rakyatnya tidak memakan daging lembu. mcd merupakan pengeluar burger daging terbesar akan mengalami kesukaran dalam pernigaannya.
dasar yang ditentukan dan dikawal oleh kerajaan.kerajaan india dan rakyat india lebih mementingkan penggunaan barangan keluaran sndiri. untuk pemasaran di negara seperti india, mcd akan berhadapan masalah pemasaran yang rumit.
Merujuk seperti negara2 miskin seperti india,vietnam dan indonesia. ekonomi dalam sesebuah negara mempengaruhi dalam sesuatu perniagaan. bila sesebuah negara tidak atau kurang maju dan mempunyai ekonomi negara yang kurang stabil akan menjejaskan pelabur-pelabur luar utk melabur dalam sesebuah negara. rakyat juga lbh suka berjimat dan makan makanan masak sendiri sahaja.kerana rakyat sentiasa pentingkan setiap sen yang ada di tangan.masalah ini akan mempengaruhi pelan pemasaran seperti mcd.paling sesuai adalah negara2 maju seperti jepun. rakyat jepun mementingkan masa dan sentiasa tidak ada masa untuk memasak dirumah. tambahan pula rakyat jepun mmg suka makanan ringan. mcd merupakan perniagaan paling sesuai di negara seperti jepun
indonesia adalah sebuah negara yang blh diberi contoh yang mengalami masalah teknologi.merupakan sebuah Negara berasaskan pertanian dan perladangan.kurang alat2 komunikasi,pengangkutan barangan,intenet,penghantaran dan lain-lain akan memberi kesan buruk dalam perlaksanaan pemasaran.
negara india merupakan negara 90% rakyatnya beragama hindu. rakyatnya menentang makanan yang berasaskan daging lembu. lembu adalah lambang ketuhanan mereka.secara xlgsg rakyatnya tidak memakan daging lembu. mcd merupakan pengeluar burger daging terbesar akan mengalami kesukaran dalam pernigaannya.
Monday, October 5, 2009
mc donald
McDonald's Corporation (NYSE: MCD) merupakan dunia rantai terbesar Restoran cepat saji hamburger, melayani hampir 47 juta pelanggan setiap hari. [4] Pada suatu masa itu adalah rangkaian Restoran global terbesar, tetapi sejak saat itu telah dikalahkan oleh merek multi Pengendali Yum! (KFC, Taco Bell dan lain-lain) dan sandwic Subway rantai.
Di samping tanda tangan rangkaian Restoran, McDonald's Corporation mengadakan minat minoriti Pret A Manger hingga 2008, dan mempunyai Chipotle Mexican Grill hingga 2006 dan rantai Restoran Boston Market hingga 2007. [5] Syarikat ini juga memperluaskan menu McDonald beberapa dekad terakhir untuk memasukkan makanan alternatif pilihan, seperti salad dan snack bungkusan, untuk memanfaatkan tumbuh minat konsumen dalam kesihatan dan kesejahteraan.
Setiap Restoran McDonald's dikendalikan oleh pemegang waralaba, seorang sekutu, atau syarikat itu sendiri. Korporat 'pendapatan berasal dari sewa, royalti dan kos dibayar oleh pewaralaba, serta penjualan di Restoran yang dikendalikan syarikat. McDonald's pendapatan tumbuh 27% selama tiga tahun yang berakhir pada 2007 menjadi $ 22.8 bilion, dan 9% pertumbuhan pendapatan operasi $ 3,9 bilion. [6]
Terutama McDonald's menjual burger, burger keju, produk ayam, perancis goreng, sarapan item, minuman ringan, milkshake, dan makanan penutup. Dalam menanggapi tren obesitas di negara-negara Barat dan di hadapan keafiatan kritik atas produk-produknya, syarikat telah diubah dengan menu sihat meliputi alternatif sebagai salad, pembungkus dan buah.
Perniagaan bermula pada tahun 1940, dengan Restoran dibuka oleh bersaudara Dick dan Mac McDonald di San Bernardino, California. Pengenalan mereka "Speedee Service System" pada tahun 1948 menetapkan prinsip-prinsip moden Restoran cepat saji. Maskot asli McDonald's adalah seorang pria dengan topi koki di atas kepala berbentuk hamburger yang bernama "Speedee." Speedee akhirnya diganti dengan Ronald McDonald pada tahun 1963.
Pertama membuka Restoran McDonald di Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, Costa Rica, Jepun, Belanda, Jerman, Australia, Perancis, El Salvador dan Sweden dalam rangka bukaan.
Korporat sekarang tarikh pendiriannya untuk pembukaan waralaba Restoran oleh Ray Kroc, di Des Plaines, Illinois pada April 15, 1955 [7], kesembilan Restoran McDonald's secara keseluruhan. Kroc kemudian McDonald bersaudara membeli ekuiti dalam syarikat dan memimpin ekspansi ke seluruh dunia dan menjadi syarikat yang disenaraikan di pasaran saham awam pada tahun 1965. [8] Kroc juga terkenal kerana amalan perniagaan yang agresif, memaksa McDonald bersaudara untuk meninggalkan makanan segera industri. McDonald bersaudara dan feuded Kroc alih perniagaan, seperti yang didokumentasikan di kedua Kroc autobiografi dan di McDonald bersaudara 'jawi. Situs McDonald bersaudara Restoran asli sekarang sebuah monumen. [9]
Dengan ekspansi McDonald's menjadi banyak pasaran antarabangsa, syarikat telah menjadi lambang globalisasi dan penyebaran gaya hidup Amerika. Yang menonjol juga membuat topik yang sering debat awam tentang obesitas, etika syarikat dan tanggung jawab konsumen
4 P's
place of mc donald
McDonald's JJ Kinta City Kinta City Shopping Centre05-5478399
Lot G32, Jalan Teh Lean Swee, Kinta City Shopping Centre, Ipoh Garden, 31400, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Jalan Gopeng Dt05-3111916
PT 215040, Jalan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah, Kampung Rapat, 31350, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Sri Manjung Dt05-6887155
Pt Lot 10414, Jalan Lumut, Taman Samudera, Sri Manjung, 32040, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah Dt05-5464573
Lot 197129, Plot 2, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1a, Medan Ipoh Bistari, 31400, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Ipoh05-2543288
No. 1.3 & 5, Jalan Mustapha Albakri, 30300, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Taiping Taiping Jaya Shopping Centre05-8062016
Ground & First Floor, Lot 1512 - 1522, Jalan Panggung Wayang, Taiping Jaya Shopping Centre, 34000, Taiping, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Teluk Intan Drive-Thru
Lot 5017, Jalan Changkat Jong, 36000, Teluk Intan, Perak
Category: Fast Food
promotion of mc donald
McDonalds Malaysia Ty Teenie Beanie Promotion
In late 2006 McDonalds in Malaysia started a new Ty Teenie Beanie promotion.
There were eight Teenie Beanies to collect starting on November 23rd through December 20th, 2006 with the purchase of each Happy Meal.
In addition to the eight Teenie Beanies, four bigger sized Beanies called My Ty Bears were available with any purchase. View the Official McDonald's Website Ad here!
My TrusTy Bear (Available week 1 - Dec 1 to Dec 7)
My MighTy Bear (Available week 1 - Dec 1 to Dec 7)
My SweeTy Bear (Available week 2 - Dec 8 to Dec 14)
My UniTy Bear (Available week 2 - Dec 8 to Dec 14)
Marilyn shared with us the following photos of her My Ty Bears, and said " They differ from regular beanie bears in some ways. The size is a bit smaller than a regular size beanie as you can see with a contrast between Beary Much & My Trusty. Eyes & nose are sewn black thread. The heart tag is one flat piece like the McDonald teenie beanies. Also the bears have their own special tush tag."
Hang Tag and Tush Tag:
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Copyright © 2001 - 2008 | Disclaimer & Notices
price of mc donald
* Prices subject to 5% government tax.
* Price differs in East Malaysia, Langkawi, Genting, KLIA & LCC Terminal - KLIA.
* Price subject to change without prior notice.
product of mc donald
See also: McDonald's products (international)
McDonald's predominantly sells hamburgers, various types of chicken sandwiches and products, French fries, soft drinks, breakfast items, and desserts. In most markets, McDonald's offers salads and vegetarian items, wraps and other localized fare. Portugal is the only country with McDonald's restaurants serving soup. This local deviation from the standard menu is a characteristic for which the chain is particularly known, and one which is employed either to abide by regional food taboos (such as the religious prohibition of beef consumption in India) or to make available foods with which the regional market is more familiar (such as the sale of McRice in Indonesia).
McDonald's Corporation (NYSE: MCD) merupakan dunia rantai terbesar Restoran cepat saji hamburger, melayani hampir 47 juta pelanggan setiap hari. [4] Pada suatu masa itu adalah rangkaian Restoran global terbesar, tetapi sejak saat itu telah dikalahkan oleh merek multi Pengendali Yum! (KFC, Taco Bell dan lain-lain) dan sandwic Subway rantai.
Di samping tanda tangan rangkaian Restoran, McDonald's Corporation mengadakan minat minoriti Pret A Manger hingga 2008, dan mempunyai Chipotle Mexican Grill hingga 2006 dan rantai Restoran Boston Market hingga 2007. [5] Syarikat ini juga memperluaskan menu McDonald beberapa dekad terakhir untuk memasukkan makanan alternatif pilihan, seperti salad dan snack bungkusan, untuk memanfaatkan tumbuh minat konsumen dalam kesihatan dan kesejahteraan.
Setiap Restoran McDonald's dikendalikan oleh pemegang waralaba, seorang sekutu, atau syarikat itu sendiri. Korporat 'pendapatan berasal dari sewa, royalti dan kos dibayar oleh pewaralaba, serta penjualan di Restoran yang dikendalikan syarikat. McDonald's pendapatan tumbuh 27% selama tiga tahun yang berakhir pada 2007 menjadi $ 22.8 bilion, dan 9% pertumbuhan pendapatan operasi $ 3,9 bilion. [6]
Terutama McDonald's menjual burger, burger keju, produk ayam, perancis goreng, sarapan item, minuman ringan, milkshake, dan makanan penutup. Dalam menanggapi tren obesitas di negara-negara Barat dan di hadapan keafiatan kritik atas produk-produknya, syarikat telah diubah dengan menu sihat meliputi alternatif sebagai salad, pembungkus dan buah.
Perniagaan bermula pada tahun 1940, dengan Restoran dibuka oleh bersaudara Dick dan Mac McDonald di San Bernardino, California. Pengenalan mereka "Speedee Service System" pada tahun 1948 menetapkan prinsip-prinsip moden Restoran cepat saji. Maskot asli McDonald's adalah seorang pria dengan topi koki di atas kepala berbentuk hamburger yang bernama "Speedee." Speedee akhirnya diganti dengan Ronald McDonald pada tahun 1963.
Pertama membuka Restoran McDonald di Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, Costa Rica, Jepun, Belanda, Jerman, Australia, Perancis, El Salvador dan Sweden dalam rangka bukaan.
Korporat sekarang tarikh pendiriannya untuk pembukaan waralaba Restoran oleh Ray Kroc, di Des Plaines, Illinois pada April 15, 1955 [7], kesembilan Restoran McDonald's secara keseluruhan. Kroc kemudian McDonald bersaudara membeli ekuiti dalam syarikat dan memimpin ekspansi ke seluruh dunia dan menjadi syarikat yang disenaraikan di pasaran saham awam pada tahun 1965. [8] Kroc juga terkenal kerana amalan perniagaan yang agresif, memaksa McDonald bersaudara untuk meninggalkan makanan segera industri. McDonald bersaudara dan feuded Kroc alih perniagaan, seperti yang didokumentasikan di kedua Kroc autobiografi dan di McDonald bersaudara 'jawi. Situs McDonald bersaudara Restoran asli sekarang sebuah monumen. [9]
Dengan ekspansi McDonald's menjadi banyak pasaran antarabangsa, syarikat telah menjadi lambang globalisasi dan penyebaran gaya hidup Amerika. Yang menonjol juga membuat topik yang sering debat awam tentang obesitas, etika syarikat dan tanggung jawab konsumen
4 P's
place of mc donald
McDonald's JJ Kinta City Kinta City Shopping Centre05-5478399
Lot G32, Jalan Teh Lean Swee, Kinta City Shopping Centre, Ipoh Garden, 31400, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Jalan Gopeng Dt05-3111916
PT 215040, Jalan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah, Kampung Rapat, 31350, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Sri Manjung Dt05-6887155
Pt Lot 10414, Jalan Lumut, Taman Samudera, Sri Manjung, 32040, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah Dt05-5464573
Lot 197129, Plot 2, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1a, Medan Ipoh Bistari, 31400, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Ipoh05-2543288
No. 1.3 & 5, Jalan Mustapha Albakri, 30300, Ipoh, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Taiping Taiping Jaya Shopping Centre05-8062016
Ground & First Floor, Lot 1512 - 1522, Jalan Panggung Wayang, Taiping Jaya Shopping Centre, 34000, Taiping, Perak
Category: Fast Food
Business Info Free Call Feedback
McDonald's Teluk Intan Drive-Thru
Lot 5017, Jalan Changkat Jong, 36000, Teluk Intan, Perak
Category: Fast Food
promotion of mc donald
McDonalds Malaysia Ty Teenie Beanie Promotion
In late 2006 McDonalds in Malaysia started a new Ty Teenie Beanie promotion.
There were eight Teenie Beanies to collect starting on November 23rd through December 20th, 2006 with the purchase of each Happy Meal.
In addition to the eight Teenie Beanies, four bigger sized Beanies called My Ty Bears were available with any purchase. View the Official McDonald's Website Ad here!
My TrusTy Bear (Available week 1 - Dec 1 to Dec 7)
My MighTy Bear (Available week 1 - Dec 1 to Dec 7)
My SweeTy Bear (Available week 2 - Dec 8 to Dec 14)
My UniTy Bear (Available week 2 - Dec 8 to Dec 14)
Marilyn shared with us the following photos of her My Ty Bears, and said " They differ from regular beanie bears in some ways. The size is a bit smaller than a regular size beanie as you can see with a contrast between Beary Much & My Trusty. Eyes & nose are sewn black thread. The heart tag is one flat piece like the McDonald teenie beanies. Also the bears have their own special tush tag."
Hang Tag and Tush Tag:
Return to the Information Center
Copyright © 2001 - 2008 | Disclaimer & Notices
price of mc donald
* Prices subject to 5% government tax.
* Price differs in East Malaysia, Langkawi, Genting, KLIA & LCC Terminal - KLIA.
* Price subject to change without prior notice.
product of mc donald
See also: McDonald's products (international)
McDonald's predominantly sells hamburgers, various types of chicken sandwiches and products, French fries, soft drinks, breakfast items, and desserts. In most markets, McDonald's offers salads and vegetarian items, wraps and other localized fare. Portugal is the only country with McDonald's restaurants serving soup. This local deviation from the standard menu is a characteristic for which the chain is particularly known, and one which is employed either to abide by regional food taboos (such as the religious prohibition of beef consumption in India) or to make available foods with which the regional market is more familiar (such as the sale of McRice in Indonesia).
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
group5- starbucks
nama :siti nor azween binti majneen
no matrik : DP 0309023
nama: nur zafirah binti ruzaidi
no matrik : DP 0309046
nama:deebhakaran a/l sabdra chegran
no matrik : DP 0108020
nama :thamilcelvan a/l arujunan
no matrix :DP0708003
NAMA: nur husna binti mohd. jamil
no matrik : DP0309040
nama: nur azirah
no matrik : DP

starbucks coffeeFOUND
1971 in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Original name of company was Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices, later changed to Starbucks Coffee Company.
Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971, opening its
first store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Starbucks, named after the
first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, is the world’s leading
retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee with millions of
customer visits per week at stores in North America, Europe, Middle
East, Latin America and the Pacific Rim.
1971 in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Original name of company was Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices, later changed to Starbucks Coffee Company.
Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971, opening its
first store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Starbucks, named after the
first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, is the world’s leading
retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee with millions of
customer visits per week at stores in North America, Europe, Middle
East, Latin America and the Pacific Rim.

The Italian Inspiration.
When Howard Schultz first joined the company in the early 1980s, Starbucks was already a highly respected local roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffees. A business trip to Italy opened Schultz’s eyes to the rich tradition of the espresso beverage. Espresso drinks became an essential element of Schultz’s vision. He purchased Starbucks with the support of local investors in 1987. In addition to well-situated stores, Starbucks sells coffee, tea, food and entertainment products through its specialty operations. Starbucks stores
“To establish Starbucks as the premier supplier of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles as we grow”
Eligible full- and part-time partners qualify for comprehensive benefits
package that includes stock option grants through Bean Stock, Starbucks
Company-wide stock option plan, as well as health, medical, dental and vision benefits. In addition, all Starbucks partners have a chance to experience and learn more about our coffees and teas through their “partner markout.” Each week every partner receives, free of charge, one pound of coffee, one box of Tazo tea, or one of several other coffee or tea products.
Starbucks Mission Statement
Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity.
Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way they do business.
Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee.
Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time.
Contribute positively to our communities and their environment.
Recognize that profitability is essential to their future success.
SWOT Analysis
Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way they do business. Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee. Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time. Contribute positively to our communities and our environment. Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success
Cool Blended, Bottled & Delicious Treats
In spring 1995, Frappuccino blended beverage was introduced
to Starbucks line of beverages. In summer 2004, Starbucks premiered
Frappuccino Light blended coffee beverages in response to customer
requests for a lighter blended coffee option with the same delicious
taste. Frappuccino Light blended coffee beverages have 30–40
percent fewer calories than the original Frappuccino blended coffee
beverages. Frappuccino juice blends, made with real fruit juice and
brewed tea, were introduced in summer 2006.
In 1996 the North American Coffee Partnership, a joint venture
between Starbucks and Pepsi-Cola North America, began selling
bottled Starbucks Frappuccino coffee drinks. Six flavors are
available in grocery channels in the U.S. and in select Starbucks
stores. In 2002 Starbucks Double Shot espresso drink joined the
ready-to-drink lineup as part of the joint venture.
In October 1995 Starbucks Coffee and Dreyer’s Grand Ice
Cream formed a joint venture to dish up a super premium line of
coffee ice creams. By July 1996 Starbucks became the No. 1 brand of
coffee ice cream in the U.S. Currently, ice cream lovers can enjoy
seven delectable flavors with favorites such as Java Chip and Coffee
Almond Fudge.
Starbucks EntertStarbucks Entertainment selects the finest in music, books and film to offer Starbucks customers the opportunity to discover quality entertainment in a fun and convenient way as part of their daily coffee routines. Starbucks Entertainment has made a transformative impact on the entertainment industry through its innovative relationships with music labels, publishers and filmmakers; and its breakthrough Starbucks Hear Music™ Coffeehouses in Santa Monica, San Antonio, Miami and Bellevue, Washington. Starbuck Entertainment selections can be purchased at Starbuck stores in select markets worldwide, and online a
Starbucks Entertainment has also teamed with Apple to create a Starbucks Entertainment area on the iTunes store ( in the U.S., and to offer the exclusive “Now Playing” feature on the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store at select Starbucks coffeehouses in the U.S., which enables customers to instantly preview, purchase, and download the music playing overhead in the store.
Coffee & More
In addition to quality coffee, Starbucks features a variety of hand-crafted beverages, Tazo teas, Ethos water, pastries and, in some markets, a selection of sandwiches and salads. Starbucks merchandise includes exclusive espresso machines and coffee brewers, unique confections and other coffee- and tea-related items
May be found in urban and suburban areas, as well as many rural communities worldwide. An expanded number of Drive Thru and Off-Highway stores also provide a convenient alternative for our customers. In addition to our company-operated stores, Starbucks works with certain carefully chosen businesses to operate licensed stores in a variety of venues. Since 1991 Starbucks coffee has been available at licensed airport stores and travel plazas operated by HMSHost in the U.S. Licensed and Foodservice stores
The pricing for each cup of coffee or treats that we get in Starbucks are pretty expensive to a normal coffee shop or a café. This is simply because of the particular branding or the name of the outlet which is Starbucks. Not only that it is because of the product that’s been used to produce the coffee’s and treats over there.
The only threat that Starbucks would be having is against other café outlets such as Coffee Bean, Kopitiam, One Stop Junction, and Dome and so on so forth. To think of it Starbucks has captured customers satisfaction and loyalty well enough that they don’t really pay much attention to the other outlets. But in a way they still do continue with their promotion and well being in keeping their status up.
Starbucks logo which is the logo is a "twin-tailed siren" (the siren of Greek mythology). The logo has been significantly streamlined over the years. In the first version, which gave the impression of an authentic 16th century European woodcut, the Starbucks siren was topless and had a fully-visible double fish tail. So branding is either the particular company uses something or someone to promote their company. Example, Pepsi uses David Beckham as their branding strategy. Starbucks uses places and luxury hotels or famous places where often affordable customers go to, to promote their outlets.
Example, United Airlines, Horizon Air, Seattle’s Key Arena and Safeco Field, Chicago’s Wrigley Field, University of Washington athletic venues, the Experience Music Project interactive museum, Hyatt Hotels, Barnes & Noble bookstores in the U.S. and Chapters and Indigo bookstores in Canada.
According to its brand and the product they use in producing their coffee their pricing is affordable for who can afford it. This is counted as a high class or high end product with a quite reasonable price simply because of the cost that they pay just to produce their product. Customers would pay for their coffee not only because of their product but also the branding. Its classy.
Coffee: More than 30 blends and single-origin coffees.
• Handcrafted Beverages: Fresh-brewed coffee, hot and iced espresso
beverages, coffee and non-coffee blended beverages, and Tazo teas.
• Merchandise: Assorted home espresso machines, coffee brewers and grinders, a line of premium chocolate, coffee mugs and coffee accessories, and a variety of gift items.
• Fresh Food: Baked pastries, sandwiches and salads.
Global Consumer Products: Line of bottled Starbucks Frappuccino beverages, Starbucks Discoveries chilled cup coffee (in Japan, Taiwan and Korea), Starbucks Double Shot espresso drinks, Starbucks Iced Coffee,whole bean coffee and Tazo teas at grocery, Starbucks Coffee Liqueursand a line of super premium ice creams.
Brand Portfolio: Starbucks Entertainment, Starbucks Hear Music, Tazo,Ethos water, Seattle’s Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia Coffee.
Outlets here in Malaysia are well placed. Example, Starbucks in Ipoh Parade, Pudu, Mahkota Parade, Mid Valley and so on so forth. All the Starbucks outlets are at the corner of n entrance to the mall. Why is it place there? Entrance are the in coming and exit of all customers that visits the mall. Every car that passes the mall or even anyone who is walking outside of the mall would notice the particular outlet. It is a very strategic place to open an outlet.
Starbucks has done various types of promotion according to the current season to enhance their revenue yearly and also their business. Season such as Christmas, summer or Holidays. They have gift certificates as well, mugs and Starbucks merchandises. They would create or come up with new drinks for their customers to taste and sell it in the same price as the rest of the drinks but for a limited time only until the season ends. Another on going promotion that Starbucks is using to attract their customers is not only the interior of the outlet but also the wireless connection that they have in their outlet. Surf the internet which offer high speed Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi) while enjoying your favorite Starbucks coffee, complimentary to its customers.
nama :siti nor azween binti majneen
no matrik : DP 0309023
nama: nur zafirah binti ruzaidi
no matrik : DP 0309046
nama:deebhakaran a/l sabdra chegran
no matrik : DP 0108020
nama :thamilcelvan a/l arujunan
no matrix :DP0708003
NAMA: nur husna binti mohd. jamil
no matrik : DP0309040
nama: nur azirah
no matrik : DP

starbucks coffeeFOUND
1971 in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Original name of company was Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices, later changed to Starbucks Coffee Company.
Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971, opening its
first store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Starbucks, named after the
first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, is the world’s leading
retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee with millions of
customer visits per week at stores in North America, Europe, Middle
East, Latin America and the Pacific Rim.
1971 in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Original name of company was Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices, later changed to Starbucks Coffee Company.
Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971, opening its
first store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Starbucks, named after the
first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, is the world’s leading
retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee with millions of
customer visits per week at stores in North America, Europe, Middle
East, Latin America and the Pacific Rim.

The Italian Inspiration.
When Howard Schultz first joined the company in the early 1980s, Starbucks was already a highly respected local roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffees. A business trip to Italy opened Schultz’s eyes to the rich tradition of the espresso beverage. Espresso drinks became an essential element of Schultz’s vision. He purchased Starbucks with the support of local investors in 1987. In addition to well-situated stores, Starbucks sells coffee, tea, food and entertainment products through its specialty operations. Starbucks stores
“To establish Starbucks as the premier supplier of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles as we grow”
Eligible full- and part-time partners qualify for comprehensive benefits
package that includes stock option grants through Bean Stock, Starbucks
Company-wide stock option plan, as well as health, medical, dental and vision benefits. In addition, all Starbucks partners have a chance to experience and learn more about our coffees and teas through their “partner markout.” Each week every partner receives, free of charge, one pound of coffee, one box of Tazo tea, or one of several other coffee or tea products.
Starbucks Mission Statement
Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity.
Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way they do business.
Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee.
Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time.
Contribute positively to our communities and their environment.
Recognize that profitability is essential to their future success.
SWOT Analysis
Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way they do business. Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee. Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time. Contribute positively to our communities and our environment. Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success
Cool Blended, Bottled & Delicious Treats
In spring 1995, Frappuccino blended beverage was introduced
to Starbucks line of beverages. In summer 2004, Starbucks premiered
Frappuccino Light blended coffee beverages in response to customer
requests for a lighter blended coffee option with the same delicious
taste. Frappuccino Light blended coffee beverages have 30–40
percent fewer calories than the original Frappuccino blended coffee
beverages. Frappuccino juice blends, made with real fruit juice and
brewed tea, were introduced in summer 2006.
In 1996 the North American Coffee Partnership, a joint venture
between Starbucks and Pepsi-Cola North America, began selling
bottled Starbucks Frappuccino coffee drinks. Six flavors are
available in grocery channels in the U.S. and in select Starbucks
stores. In 2002 Starbucks Double Shot espresso drink joined the
ready-to-drink lineup as part of the joint venture.
In October 1995 Starbucks Coffee and Dreyer’s Grand Ice
Cream formed a joint venture to dish up a super premium line of
coffee ice creams. By July 1996 Starbucks became the No. 1 brand of
coffee ice cream in the U.S. Currently, ice cream lovers can enjoy
seven delectable flavors with favorites such as Java Chip and Coffee
Almond Fudge.
Starbucks EntertStarbucks Entertainment selects the finest in music, books and film to offer Starbucks customers the opportunity to discover quality entertainment in a fun and convenient way as part of their daily coffee routines. Starbucks Entertainment has made a transformative impact on the entertainment industry through its innovative relationships with music labels, publishers and filmmakers; and its breakthrough Starbucks Hear Music™ Coffeehouses in Santa Monica, San Antonio, Miami and Bellevue, Washington. Starbuck Entertainment selections can be purchased at Starbuck stores in select markets worldwide, and online a
Starbucks Entertainment has also teamed with Apple to create a Starbucks Entertainment area on the iTunes store ( in the U.S., and to offer the exclusive “Now Playing” feature on the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store at select Starbucks coffeehouses in the U.S., which enables customers to instantly preview, purchase, and download the music playing overhead in the store.
Coffee & More
In addition to quality coffee, Starbucks features a variety of hand-crafted beverages, Tazo teas, Ethos water, pastries and, in some markets, a selection of sandwiches and salads. Starbucks merchandise includes exclusive espresso machines and coffee brewers, unique confections and other coffee- and tea-related items
May be found in urban and suburban areas, as well as many rural communities worldwide. An expanded number of Drive Thru and Off-Highway stores also provide a convenient alternative for our customers. In addition to our company-operated stores, Starbucks works with certain carefully chosen businesses to operate licensed stores in a variety of venues. Since 1991 Starbucks coffee has been available at licensed airport stores and travel plazas operated by HMSHost in the U.S. Licensed and Foodservice stores
The pricing for each cup of coffee or treats that we get in Starbucks are pretty expensive to a normal coffee shop or a café. This is simply because of the particular branding or the name of the outlet which is Starbucks. Not only that it is because of the product that’s been used to produce the coffee’s and treats over there.
The only threat that Starbucks would be having is against other café outlets such as Coffee Bean, Kopitiam, One Stop Junction, and Dome and so on so forth. To think of it Starbucks has captured customers satisfaction and loyalty well enough that they don’t really pay much attention to the other outlets. But in a way they still do continue with their promotion and well being in keeping their status up.
Starbucks logo which is the logo is a "twin-tailed siren" (the siren of Greek mythology). The logo has been significantly streamlined over the years. In the first version, which gave the impression of an authentic 16th century European woodcut, the Starbucks siren was topless and had a fully-visible double fish tail. So branding is either the particular company uses something or someone to promote their company. Example, Pepsi uses David Beckham as their branding strategy. Starbucks uses places and luxury hotels or famous places where often affordable customers go to, to promote their outlets.
Example, United Airlines, Horizon Air, Seattle’s Key Arena and Safeco Field, Chicago’s Wrigley Field, University of Washington athletic venues, the Experience Music Project interactive museum, Hyatt Hotels, Barnes & Noble bookstores in the U.S. and Chapters and Indigo bookstores in Canada.
According to its brand and the product they use in producing their coffee their pricing is affordable for who can afford it. This is counted as a high class or high end product with a quite reasonable price simply because of the cost that they pay just to produce their product. Customers would pay for their coffee not only because of their product but also the branding. Its classy.
Coffee: More than 30 blends and single-origin coffees.
• Handcrafted Beverages: Fresh-brewed coffee, hot and iced espresso
beverages, coffee and non-coffee blended beverages, and Tazo teas.
• Merchandise: Assorted home espresso machines, coffee brewers and grinders, a line of premium chocolate, coffee mugs and coffee accessories, and a variety of gift items.
• Fresh Food: Baked pastries, sandwiches and salads.
Global Consumer Products: Line of bottled Starbucks Frappuccino beverages, Starbucks Discoveries chilled cup coffee (in Japan, Taiwan and Korea), Starbucks Double Shot espresso drinks, Starbucks Iced Coffee,whole bean coffee and Tazo teas at grocery, Starbucks Coffee Liqueursand a line of super premium ice creams.
Brand Portfolio: Starbucks Entertainment, Starbucks Hear Music, Tazo,Ethos water, Seattle’s Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia Coffee.
Outlets here in Malaysia are well placed. Example, Starbucks in Ipoh Parade, Pudu, Mahkota Parade, Mid Valley and so on so forth. All the Starbucks outlets are at the corner of n entrance to the mall. Why is it place there? Entrance are the in coming and exit of all customers that visits the mall. Every car that passes the mall or even anyone who is walking outside of the mall would notice the particular outlet. It is a very strategic place to open an outlet.
Starbucks has done various types of promotion according to the current season to enhance their revenue yearly and also their business. Season such as Christmas, summer or Holidays. They have gift certificates as well, mugs and Starbucks merchandises. They would create or come up with new drinks for their customers to taste and sell it in the same price as the rest of the drinks but for a limited time only until the season ends. Another on going promotion that Starbucks is using to attract their customers is not only the interior of the outlet but also the wireless connection that they have in their outlet. Surf the internet which offer high speed Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi) while enjoying your favorite Starbucks coffee, complimentary to its customers.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sony Ericsson (GROUP 4)
Nama Ahli Kumpulan :-
1)Faris Zulhilmi bin Ani (DPO908019)
2)Noor Hartini binti Hamid (DP0908002)
3)Noor Azlipah binti Abd Rashid (DP0309011)
4)Nur Aqila binti Abd Rahman (DP0309044)
5)michael Chin Kuok Kin (DP0309032)
Sony ericsson adalah sebuah syarikat pengeluar produk yang berasakan telekomusikasi, iaitu telefon bimbit. Sony Ericsson ialah satu syarikat usaha sama yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2001 oleh syarikat elektronik Jepun Sony Corporation dan syarikat telekomunikasi Sweden Ericsson untuk membuat telefon bimbit. Sebab utama yang dinyatakan bagi usaha sama tersebut adalah bagi menggabungkan kepakaran Sony dalam bidang elektronik pengguna dengan kepemimpinan teknologi Ericsson dalam sektor komunikasi. Nama ‘SONY ERICSSONS’ tidak asing lagi diseluruh dunia disebabkan penghasilan produk yang bermutu tinggi dan pelbagai serta memenuhi kehendak orang ramai pada masa kini. Walaubagaimanapun, SONY ERICSSONS mempunyai pesaing yang besar iaitu, NOKIA yang juga mempunyai kelebihan yang tersendiri. Tetapi, ini tidak menjadi penghalang bagi SONY ERICSSONS untuk berdiri dengan megah dan angkuh dimata dunia.
Malahan, persaingan ini dianggap satu cabaran buat SONY ERICSSON untuk menghasilkan pelbagai lagi produk yang lebih moden dan canggih.
Produk yang dihasilkan oleh syarikat SONY ERICSSONS adalah pelbagai dari segi bentuk, ciri-ciri teknologi, dan memenuhi citarasa pengguna, terutama remaja pada masa kini. SONY ERICSSONS telah mengeluarkan model telefon bimbit yang pelbagai bentuk. Kepelbagaian itu membuatkan para pengguna dapat memilih dengan mudah. Bagi peminat muzik, terdapat model yang dikeluarkan hanya memfokuskan kearah muzik. Sebagai contoh, model telefon W910i WALKMAN telah mendapat sambutan hangat terutama dari golongan remaja yang mencintai seni muzik. Model ini mempunyai kekuatan dari segi bunyi yang, pencarian muzik yang berkesan dan pantas, bentuk yang stylish dan juga ianya seakan iPOD atau pemain muzik yang lain.
Qualiti yang diserapkan kedalam semua model SONY ERICSSONS tidak dapat dipersoalkan kerana ianya telah mendapat penganugerahan dari pihak yang tertentu.
Ini telah meningkatkan lagi kekuatan dan kelebihan kepada SONY ERICSSONS serta dapat memberikan tanggapan yang baik dan kepercayaan dari pengguna. Rekabentuk yang kelihatan menarik dan mewah juga menjadi salah satu faktor kelebihan. Kelebihan-kelebihan yang sedia ada ini telah digabungkan dengan ciri-ciri unik. Oleh itu, SONY ERICSSON telah mempamerkan atau mempromosikan produk baru mereka iaitu SONY ERICSSONC W995. Produk terbaru keluaran SONY ERICSSONS ini lebih melihatkan ciri-ciri muzik semata-mata seperti keluaran yang lepas, W910i. Akan tetapi, SONY ERICSSONS telah meningkatkan ciri-ciri tersebut dengan menambah fungsi terbaru, iaitu MOBILE MOVIE PLAYER. Ianya seumpama wayang yang dimainkan di telefon bimbit anda. Tidak perlu ke panggung wayang, hanya menekan tajuk cerita dan dengan serta merta ianya dapat ditonton melalui telefon bimbit anda walau dimana anda berada dan dalam apa jua keadaan. Dengan keluasan skrin yang mengagumkan, di tambah pula dengan bunyi yang memberangsangkan, pasti produk terbaru ini mendapat sambutan hangat dari para pengguna kerana teknologi yang diserapkan ini tidak terdapat pada mana-mana produk telefon bimbit yang lain. Selain itu, saiz model ini tidak terlalu besar dan boleh dikatakan mempunyai rekabentuk mewah. Rangkaian teknologi seperti EDGE, 3.5G, WLAN,dan NAVIGATOR telah diserapkan juga kedalam model W995 ini.
Berikut adalah spesifikasi yang lebih jelas tentang model W995:
• Auto focus
• Camera - 8.1 megapixel
• Digital Zoom - up to 16x
• Face detection
• Geo-tagging
• Image stabiliser
• Photo feeds
• Photo fix
• Photo flash
• Picture blogging
• Video blogging
• Video light
• Video recording
• Video stabiliser
• 3.5 mm audio jack
• Album art
• Bluetooth™ stereo (A2DP)
• Clear bass
• Clear stereo
• Movies from PlayNow™ arena
• Music tones - MP3, AAC
• PlayNow™
• SensMe
• Shake control
• Stereo speakers
• TrackID™
• Walkman® player
• Access NetFront™ Web Browser
• Web feeds
• 3D games
• Java
• Media
• Motion gaming
• Radio - FM radio with RDS
• Video Clip
• Video streaming
• Walk Mate
• YouTube™
• aGPS
• Bluetooth™ technology
• DLNA Certified™
• Google Maps™
• Modem
• PictBridge
• Synchronisation PC
• USB mass storage
• USB support
• Wayfinder Navigator™
• WiFi™
• Email
• Exchange ActiveSync®
• Instant messaging
• Picture messaging (MMS)
• Predictive text input
• Sound recorder
• Text messaging (SMS)
• Polyphonic ringtones
• Speakerphone
• Vibrating Alert
• Video call
• Auto rotate
• Navigation key
• Picture wallpaper
• Wallpaper animation
• Alarm clock
• Calculator
• Calendar
• Flight mode
• Notes
• Phone book
• Stopwatch
• Tasks
• Timer
Harga yang ditetapkan keatas model W995 ini dapat diterima umum dan logik berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang diserapkan. Bagi promosi sempena pengeluaran yang pertama, SONY ERICSSON telah meletakkan harga yang rendah bagi percubaan model W995. Ini juga adalah salah satu promosi yang dilakukan bagi menarik minat para pengguna agar dapat membuka mata mereka dan sedar atas kewujudan model ini. Tidak seperti produk dan jenama telefon bimbit yang lain, SONY ERICSSON mempunyai nilai dan matlamat tersendiri, iaitu memberi kepuasan kepada para pengguna. Dengan harga yang berpatutan serta kelebihan yang diserapkan, para pengguna seharusnya tidak ragu-ragu untuk mencuba keluaran terbaru ini. Ianya tidak merugikan, malahan pasti menguntungkan. Selain itu, pengguna atau pelanggan juga dapat membuat pembayaran melalui kredit kad tanpa dikenakan bunga.
Keluaran terbaru SONY ERICSSON ini telah diletakkan atau dipasarkan di tempat-tempat yang dapat membuatkan pengguna sedar akan kewujudan produk ini seperti di pasaraya. Sebagai contoh, KOMPLEKS YIK FOONG di IPOH adalah salah satu tempat dimana pengguna dapat mengetahui produk-produk terbaru SONY ERICSSON dipasarkan. Tempat ini boleh dikatakan strategik kerana ianya dikunjungi oleh golongan remaja dan dewasa. Bagi golongan yang meminati dan merupakan peminat setia kepada gadget-gadget yang canggih seperti model W995, mereka pasti teruja dan mempunyai keinginan untuk memilikinya. Selain itu, pasaraya UDA OCEAN (UO) juga merupakan salah sebuah pusat dimana model W995 di perkenalkan.
Promosi yang dilakukan oleh SONY ERICSSON terhadap model terbaru ini pasti membuatkan pengguna berpuas hati. Ini kerana bagi keluaran pertama ini, harga yang diletakkan telah diberi potongan sebanyak 30%. Tambahan pula, terdapat barangan percuma seperti t-shirt, topi, beg dan juga tiket tambah nilai bernilai RM50.00 bagi 100 pelanggan pertama. Bagi pelanggan yang berikutnya, mereka hanya akan mendapat potongan harga. Selain itu, cabutan bertuah juga diadakan bagi membuatkan para pelanggan tertarik dan gembira serta berpuas hati. Promosi yang dilakukan adalah untuk 3 hari. Tidak seperti syarikat pengeluar telefon bimbit yang lain, mereka hanya memberikan potongan harga sebanyak 10%. Alternatif lain yang digunakan adalah seperti melaului televisyen, radio serta melalui keratan akhbar.
SONY ERICSSON bukanlah satu nama yang baru, malahan ianya sudah terkenal di persada dunia. Ianya sudah menjadi salah sebuah syarikat pengeluar telefon bimbit yang telah berdiri dengan teguh dan rapuh. Malahan, reputasi SONY ERICSSON dimata pelanggan adalah amat baik dan memberangsangkan. Ini menjadi salah satu kelebihan kepada SONY ERICSSON supaya dapat memasarkan produk-produk yang baru dengan mudah serta mendapat sambutan yang baik. Dalam arus globalisasi kini, dapat disaksikan permintaan keatas produk SONY ERICSSON semakin meningkat terutama dari golongan remaja. Kekuatan SONY ERICSSON tidak dapat diragukan lagi kerana ianya telah menjadi salah satu dari keperluan remaja atau pengguna pada masa kini.
Setiap produk yang dihasilkan pasti mempunyai kelemahan yang tersendiri. Bagi produk yang dihasilkan oleh SONY ERICSSON, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa terdapat kelemahan. Tetapi, ini tidak sedikit pun menjejaskan reputasi SONY ERICSSON, malahan ianya menjadi tunggak semangat kepada SONY ERICSSON untuk lebih berdaya saing menghasilkan produk yang bermutu tinggi dan memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada. Kelemahan yang di tonjolkan adalah tidak ketara, seperti kurang perlindungan hak cipta. Dengan adanya kekurangan ini, alternatif lain yang mengusahakan syarikat telefon bimbit dapat meniru produk yang dihasilkan. Selain itu, kos untuk membaik pulih jika telefon keluaran SONY ERICSSON mengalami sebarang kerosakkan adalah amat tinggi. Ini kerana barangan yang digunakan adalah mahal dan sukar didapati.
Dari segi peluang lebih kepada potensi untuk kita maju dalam pasaran.Apabila menilai peluang, kita harus nilai apa peluang kita dan produk kita untuk bersaing dalam pasaran. Contohnya, SONY ERICSSON analisis kekuatan syarikat dan produk pesaing.Dengan itu, sony dapat menghasilkan peluang yang lebih bagus daripada syarikat telekomunikasi lain. Misalnya, syarikat SONY ERICSSON mempunyai peluang dari segi rekabentuk bergaya atau model-model spesifikasi,dan ketahanan bateri (tahan lama)yang merupakan kehendak pelanggan kini.
Pada masa kini banyak ancaman dalam sesebuah perniagaan kerana itu pesaing adalah biasa dalam perniagaan.Antara contoh ancaman bagi SONY ERICSSON ialah semakin banyak jenama madal telefon atau telekomunokasi yang lebih canggih,tahan lasak,dan lain-lain lagi.
Nama Ahli Kumpulan :-
1)Faris Zulhilmi bin Ani (DPO908019)
2)Noor Hartini binti Hamid (DP0908002)
3)Noor Azlipah binti Abd Rashid (DP0309011)
4)Nur Aqila binti Abd Rahman (DP0309044)
5)michael Chin Kuok Kin (DP0309032)
Sony ericsson adalah sebuah syarikat pengeluar produk yang berasakan telekomusikasi, iaitu telefon bimbit. Sony Ericsson ialah satu syarikat usaha sama yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2001 oleh syarikat elektronik Jepun Sony Corporation dan syarikat telekomunikasi Sweden Ericsson untuk membuat telefon bimbit. Sebab utama yang dinyatakan bagi usaha sama tersebut adalah bagi menggabungkan kepakaran Sony dalam bidang elektronik pengguna dengan kepemimpinan teknologi Ericsson dalam sektor komunikasi. Nama ‘SONY ERICSSONS’ tidak asing lagi diseluruh dunia disebabkan penghasilan produk yang bermutu tinggi dan pelbagai serta memenuhi kehendak orang ramai pada masa kini. Walaubagaimanapun, SONY ERICSSONS mempunyai pesaing yang besar iaitu, NOKIA yang juga mempunyai kelebihan yang tersendiri. Tetapi, ini tidak menjadi penghalang bagi SONY ERICSSONS untuk berdiri dengan megah dan angkuh dimata dunia.
Malahan, persaingan ini dianggap satu cabaran buat SONY ERICSSON untuk menghasilkan pelbagai lagi produk yang lebih moden dan canggih.
Produk yang dihasilkan oleh syarikat SONY ERICSSONS adalah pelbagai dari segi bentuk, ciri-ciri teknologi, dan memenuhi citarasa pengguna, terutama remaja pada masa kini. SONY ERICSSONS telah mengeluarkan model telefon bimbit yang pelbagai bentuk. Kepelbagaian itu membuatkan para pengguna dapat memilih dengan mudah. Bagi peminat muzik, terdapat model yang dikeluarkan hanya memfokuskan kearah muzik. Sebagai contoh, model telefon W910i WALKMAN telah mendapat sambutan hangat terutama dari golongan remaja yang mencintai seni muzik. Model ini mempunyai kekuatan dari segi bunyi yang, pencarian muzik yang berkesan dan pantas, bentuk yang stylish dan juga ianya seakan iPOD atau pemain muzik yang lain.
Qualiti yang diserapkan kedalam semua model SONY ERICSSONS tidak dapat dipersoalkan kerana ianya telah mendapat penganugerahan dari pihak yang tertentu.
Ini telah meningkatkan lagi kekuatan dan kelebihan kepada SONY ERICSSONS serta dapat memberikan tanggapan yang baik dan kepercayaan dari pengguna. Rekabentuk yang kelihatan menarik dan mewah juga menjadi salah satu faktor kelebihan. Kelebihan-kelebihan yang sedia ada ini telah digabungkan dengan ciri-ciri unik. Oleh itu, SONY ERICSSON telah mempamerkan atau mempromosikan produk baru mereka iaitu SONY ERICSSONC W995. Produk terbaru keluaran SONY ERICSSONS ini lebih melihatkan ciri-ciri muzik semata-mata seperti keluaran yang lepas, W910i. Akan tetapi, SONY ERICSSONS telah meningkatkan ciri-ciri tersebut dengan menambah fungsi terbaru, iaitu MOBILE MOVIE PLAYER. Ianya seumpama wayang yang dimainkan di telefon bimbit anda. Tidak perlu ke panggung wayang, hanya menekan tajuk cerita dan dengan serta merta ianya dapat ditonton melalui telefon bimbit anda walau dimana anda berada dan dalam apa jua keadaan. Dengan keluasan skrin yang mengagumkan, di tambah pula dengan bunyi yang memberangsangkan, pasti produk terbaru ini mendapat sambutan hangat dari para pengguna kerana teknologi yang diserapkan ini tidak terdapat pada mana-mana produk telefon bimbit yang lain. Selain itu, saiz model ini tidak terlalu besar dan boleh dikatakan mempunyai rekabentuk mewah. Rangkaian teknologi seperti EDGE, 3.5G, WLAN,dan NAVIGATOR telah diserapkan juga kedalam model W995 ini.
Berikut adalah spesifikasi yang lebih jelas tentang model W995:
• Auto focus
• Camera - 8.1 megapixel
• Digital Zoom - up to 16x
• Face detection
• Geo-tagging
• Image stabiliser
• Photo feeds
• Photo fix
• Photo flash
• Picture blogging
• Video blogging
• Video light
• Video recording
• Video stabiliser
• 3.5 mm audio jack
• Album art
• Bluetooth™ stereo (A2DP)
• Clear bass
• Clear stereo
• Movies from PlayNow™ arena
• Music tones - MP3, AAC
• PlayNow™
• SensMe
• Shake control
• Stereo speakers
• TrackID™
• Walkman® player
• Access NetFront™ Web Browser
• Web feeds
• 3D games
• Java
• Media
• Motion gaming
• Radio - FM radio with RDS
• Video Clip
• Video streaming
• Walk Mate
• YouTube™
• aGPS
• Bluetooth™ technology
• DLNA Certified™
• Google Maps™
• Modem
• PictBridge
• Synchronisation PC
• USB mass storage
• USB support
• Wayfinder Navigator™
• WiFi™
• Exchange ActiveSync®
• Instant messaging
• Picture messaging (MMS)
• Predictive text input
• Sound recorder
• Text messaging (SMS)
• Polyphonic ringtones
• Speakerphone
• Vibrating Alert
• Video call
• Auto rotate
• Navigation key
• Picture wallpaper
• Wallpaper animation
• Alarm clock
• Calculator
• Calendar
• Flight mode
• Notes
• Phone book
• Stopwatch
• Tasks
• Timer
Harga yang ditetapkan keatas model W995 ini dapat diterima umum dan logik berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang diserapkan. Bagi promosi sempena pengeluaran yang pertama, SONY ERICSSON telah meletakkan harga yang rendah bagi percubaan model W995. Ini juga adalah salah satu promosi yang dilakukan bagi menarik minat para pengguna agar dapat membuka mata mereka dan sedar atas kewujudan model ini. Tidak seperti produk dan jenama telefon bimbit yang lain, SONY ERICSSON mempunyai nilai dan matlamat tersendiri, iaitu memberi kepuasan kepada para pengguna. Dengan harga yang berpatutan serta kelebihan yang diserapkan, para pengguna seharusnya tidak ragu-ragu untuk mencuba keluaran terbaru ini. Ianya tidak merugikan, malahan pasti menguntungkan. Selain itu, pengguna atau pelanggan juga dapat membuat pembayaran melalui kredit kad tanpa dikenakan bunga.
Keluaran terbaru SONY ERICSSON ini telah diletakkan atau dipasarkan di tempat-tempat yang dapat membuatkan pengguna sedar akan kewujudan produk ini seperti di pasaraya. Sebagai contoh, KOMPLEKS YIK FOONG di IPOH adalah salah satu tempat dimana pengguna dapat mengetahui produk-produk terbaru SONY ERICSSON dipasarkan. Tempat ini boleh dikatakan strategik kerana ianya dikunjungi oleh golongan remaja dan dewasa. Bagi golongan yang meminati dan merupakan peminat setia kepada gadget-gadget yang canggih seperti model W995, mereka pasti teruja dan mempunyai keinginan untuk memilikinya. Selain itu, pasaraya UDA OCEAN (UO) juga merupakan salah sebuah pusat dimana model W995 di perkenalkan.
Promosi yang dilakukan oleh SONY ERICSSON terhadap model terbaru ini pasti membuatkan pengguna berpuas hati. Ini kerana bagi keluaran pertama ini, harga yang diletakkan telah diberi potongan sebanyak 30%. Tambahan pula, terdapat barangan percuma seperti t-shirt, topi, beg dan juga tiket tambah nilai bernilai RM50.00 bagi 100 pelanggan pertama. Bagi pelanggan yang berikutnya, mereka hanya akan mendapat potongan harga. Selain itu, cabutan bertuah juga diadakan bagi membuatkan para pelanggan tertarik dan gembira serta berpuas hati. Promosi yang dilakukan adalah untuk 3 hari. Tidak seperti syarikat pengeluar telefon bimbit yang lain, mereka hanya memberikan potongan harga sebanyak 10%. Alternatif lain yang digunakan adalah seperti melaului televisyen, radio serta melalui keratan akhbar.
SONY ERICSSON bukanlah satu nama yang baru, malahan ianya sudah terkenal di persada dunia. Ianya sudah menjadi salah sebuah syarikat pengeluar telefon bimbit yang telah berdiri dengan teguh dan rapuh. Malahan, reputasi SONY ERICSSON dimata pelanggan adalah amat baik dan memberangsangkan. Ini menjadi salah satu kelebihan kepada SONY ERICSSON supaya dapat memasarkan produk-produk yang baru dengan mudah serta mendapat sambutan yang baik. Dalam arus globalisasi kini, dapat disaksikan permintaan keatas produk SONY ERICSSON semakin meningkat terutama dari golongan remaja. Kekuatan SONY ERICSSON tidak dapat diragukan lagi kerana ianya telah menjadi salah satu dari keperluan remaja atau pengguna pada masa kini.
Setiap produk yang dihasilkan pasti mempunyai kelemahan yang tersendiri. Bagi produk yang dihasilkan oleh SONY ERICSSON, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa terdapat kelemahan. Tetapi, ini tidak sedikit pun menjejaskan reputasi SONY ERICSSON, malahan ianya menjadi tunggak semangat kepada SONY ERICSSON untuk lebih berdaya saing menghasilkan produk yang bermutu tinggi dan memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada. Kelemahan yang di tonjolkan adalah tidak ketara, seperti kurang perlindungan hak cipta. Dengan adanya kekurangan ini, alternatif lain yang mengusahakan syarikat telefon bimbit dapat meniru produk yang dihasilkan. Selain itu, kos untuk membaik pulih jika telefon keluaran SONY ERICSSON mengalami sebarang kerosakkan adalah amat tinggi. Ini kerana barangan yang digunakan adalah mahal dan sukar didapati.
Dari segi peluang lebih kepada potensi untuk kita maju dalam pasaran.Apabila menilai peluang, kita harus nilai apa peluang kita dan produk kita untuk bersaing dalam pasaran. Contohnya, SONY ERICSSON analisis kekuatan syarikat dan produk pesaing.Dengan itu, sony dapat menghasilkan peluang yang lebih bagus daripada syarikat telekomunikasi lain. Misalnya, syarikat SONY ERICSSON mempunyai peluang dari segi rekabentuk bergaya atau model-model spesifikasi,dan ketahanan bateri (tahan lama)yang merupakan kehendak pelanggan kini.
Pada masa kini banyak ancaman dalam sesebuah perniagaan kerana itu pesaing adalah biasa dalam perniagaan.Antara contoh ancaman bagi SONY ERICSSON ialah semakin banyak jenama madal telefon atau telekomunokasi yang lebih canggih,tahan lasak,dan lain-lain lagi.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Group 1 - McD
NO METRIK: DP0309031
NO METRIK: DP0309005
NO METRIK: DP0309031
NO METRIK: DP0309005
GROUP 2 - Maxis

The internal factors may be viewed as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their impact on the organizations objectives. What may represent strengths with respect to one objective may be weaknesses for another objective. The factors may include all of the 4Ps; as well as personnel, finance, manufacturing capabilities, and so on. The external factors may include macroeconomic matters, technological change, legislation, and socio-cultural changes, as well as changes in the marketplace or competitive position. The results are often presented in the form of a matrix.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Group 2 - Maxis

Pemasaran 2
Kertas Kerja
Wan Ahmad Razmi bin Wan Nor Azman (DP0309001)
Tan Xing Ying (DP0309026)
Fatin Syazwani binti (DP0309006)
Mohamad Amin bin Naina Mohamad (DP0309044)
Mohamad Nur Akmal (DP0309055)
Kaarthik A/L Appalanaidu

Pembangunan dunia komunikasi di seluruh dunia semakin berkembang hampir di mana-mana. Ini termasuk juga di Malaysia yang telah maju dalam dunia teknologi komunikasi. Komunikasi boleh didefinisikan dalam pelbagai maksud, tetapi definisi utamnya ialah, alat/perkakas/organ yang digunakan menyampaikan pesanan kepada individu atau kepada pihak yang dikehendaki. Maxis, nama komunikasi yang telah julang namanya di persada dunia dengan perkhidmatan komunikasi yang terulung di Malaysia, telah memperkenalkan Hotlink sebagai produk mereka yang terdiri daripada pelbagai servis yang ditawarkan.
Dibangunkan oleh seorang dari masyarakat India yang bijak berniaga bernama Tan Sri Anandha Krishnan pada tahun 1995. Pada permulaannya, beliau mempunyai banyak masalah iaitu dalam melaburkan modalnya untuk perniagaannya. Juga pada ketika itu, tidak ramai masyarakat yang menggunakan telefon bimbit pra-bayar dan lebih selesa menggunakan telefon rumah. Namun, perubahan teknologi sentiasa maju hadapan, dan beliau telah mengambil peluang untuk mempromosikan produk beliau iaitu Hotlink. Semakin hari, semakin ramai pengguna yang menggunakan telefon bimbit. Akhirnya, beliau telahpun mengecapi kejayaan dengan promosi yang banyak dan usaha yang tidak mengenal erti penat. Beliau dinobatkan antara 'Manusia Terkaya Di Malaysia' dengan hasil yang mengagumkan. Sekarang, beliau sedang memasarkan dan melebarkan rangkaian Maxis tersbut ke India dengan jumlah kos yang besar.
Produk yang ditawarkan oleh Maxis ialah Hotlink. Hotlink ialah penghubung rangkaian antara satu telefon bimbit ke telefon bimbit yang lain. Produk ini menyerupai sebuah kad yang kecil yang dimuatkan ke dalam telefon bimbit, dipanggil Sim Card. Dengan kemasukkan kad kecil ini, rangkaian akan dimulakan antara pelanggan dan pihak syarikat Maxis. Setelah ia dimasukkan ke dalam slotnya, pelbagai fungsi boleh dimulakan, samada untuk membuat panggilan ataupun menghantar mesej pesanan ringkas, lebih mudah dipanggil 'SMS'. Juga Maxis telah menjalinkan hubungan dengan syarikat luar, seperti Apple, untuk mempromosikan produk iPod di Malaysia. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, Maxis sendiri telah mengeluarkan broadband tersendiri
Harga yang ditawarkan oleh Hotlink boleh dikatakan berbaloi dan sesuai dengan perbelanjaan yang dikeluarkan. Harga biasa yang ditawarkan oleh Hotlink kepada pelanggan mereka ialah RM0.20 sen/seminit untuk panggilan dan RM0.05 sen/setiap helaian/hantaran mesej pesanan ringkas kepada individu yang dikehendaki. Ini tidak termasuk dengan bonus-bonus lain yang ditawarkan oleh Hotlink. Harga yang ditawarkan kepada pesaing atau rangkaian lain,contohnya Celcom dan Digi, berharga RM0.36 sen/seminit untuk panggilan dan RM0.10 sen untuk setiap helaian/mesej kepada individu yang dikehendaki.
Hotlink sentiasa menganjurkan pelbagai acara untuk mempromosikan setiap kebaikkannya. Malah, Hotlink telahpun menjadi pelbagai penganjur untuk acara-acara tertentu seperti persembahan konsert. Hotlink telah memberi kemudahan kepada pengguna Maxis seperti contohnya, tiket yang murah untuk acara-acara yang dianjurkan sekaligus telah meningkatkan keuntungan secara tidak langsung. Terdapat banyak kemudahan yang disediakan dalam Hotlink. Sekarang, Hotlink sedang panas mempromosikan 'Hotlink Youth Club' di mana pelanggan yang masih di alam remaja boleh membuat panggilan yang lebih murah kepada pelanggan Maxis dan juga kepada rangkaian lain. Selain itu, terdapat Activ10 dimana pelanggan boleh membuat panggilan serendah RM0.10 sen/minit untuk panggilan dan RM0.01 sen untuk setiap SMS. Dengan pengguna Hotlink sebanyak lebih 1 juta orang, pelanggan tidak mempunyai masalah untuk berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain. Ini telah menguntungkan kedua-dua pihak, iaitu pelanggan dan pihak Maxis sendiri.
Lokasi pejabat utama Maxis terletak di bandar-bandar besar sebagai memudahkan semua pihak untuk bertanyakan soalan ataupun sebarang pendaftaran. Ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan pihak Maxis untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan yang berbilang kaum. Malah, pada zaman sekarang, terdapat banyak tempat yang menawarkan servis kepada pelanggan biarpun di kawasan desa ataupun pedalaman. Maxis telahpun mengiktiraf antara pelanggan yang mahu menjadi pengedar servis dan perkhidmatan yang terletak di kawasan kedai-kedai runcit. Ini telahpun memudahkan pelanggan tanpa perlu pergi ke tempat-tempat utamanya yang terletak di tengah-tengah kawasan perbandaran. Seperti syarikat lain, Maxis juga mempunyai pejabat urusan yang utama yang terletak bersebelahan dengan Menara Berkembar KLCC yang dinamakan Menara Maxis di Kuala Lumpur. Lokasi menara tersebut sangat strategik kerana menghubungkan dengan Suria KLCC, iaitu sebuah Pusat Membeli-Belah Utama di Bandar Kuala Lumpur.
Kekuatan Maxis terletak di pelanggannya di mana pengguna Maxis sangat ramai dan merangkumi hampir keseluruhan di pelusuk Malaysia. Malah, kekuatan Maxis yang menfokuskan keuntungan disamping memuaskan hati pelanggan juga telah membawa Maxis ke persada dunia. Kekuatan Maxis juga terletak di dalam pengaruhnya yang sangat kuat. Malah, lokasi Maxis juga banyak dan memudahkan para pelanggannya untuk berurusan dalam apa jenis urusan.
Walaupun Maxis mempertaruhkan kepelbagaian dalam produk mereka, iaitu Hotlink, namun setiap syarikat sudah tentu ada kelemahan. Berbanding dengan pesaing mereka, iaitu Celcom dan Digi, Maxis mempunyai kadar bayaran ke panggilan ke Celcom dan Digi yang lebih mahal berbanding kedua-dua rangkaian tersebut.
Peluang Maxis untuk memasarkan Hotlink ialah faktor umur sekarang, di mana hampir lebih 40 peratus remaja Malaysia menggunakan Maxis sebagai telekomunikasi pengantaraan mereka. Ini telah memberi peluang kepada pihak Maxis untuk terus mempromosikan kelebihan kepada para penggunanya yang ramai. Dengan itu, secara tidak langsung, Maxis telah mengeratkan hubungan antara pelanggan dan syarikat.
Ancaman pesaing seringkali boleh merosakkan perniagaan. Jadi, pihak sesuatu syarikat harus menangani dengan bersaing dengan pihak lawan. Begitu juga untuk Maxis. Produk utamanya iaitu Hotnik dan Maxis Broadband sentiasa menghadapi masalah ancaman terutamanya syarikat telekomunikasi yang lain khususnya Celcom kerana kedua-dua syarikat ini mempunyai konsep yang sama. Jikalau ada kelainan antara kedua syarikat ini sekalipun, ia mungkin kelainan yang halus dan tidak nampak oleh pengguna.
Dunia politik penting untuk membangunkan negara. Maxis juga telah berkembang dan memasuki dunia politik memandangkan imej Maxis sungguh biasa didengari. Politik dan ekonomi saling berhubung-kait dalam industri perhubungan dan telekomunikasi. Maxis telah berkembang dengan pesat dan berjaya di Malaysia dan telah membuat diplomasi bersama negara lain dalam mengekalkan pelanggannya. Maxis juga telah membuat industri pembangunan industri telekomunikasi secara meluas di India buat masa kini. Ini bukti bahawa Maxis telahpun berjaya bukan sahaja dari segi kewangan, tetapi juga berjaya menyebarkan imej yang baik bagi pihak Maxis itu sendiri
Ekonomi sentiasa dititikberatkan supaya pihak Maxis mudah memberikan kerjasama untuk pengguna. Penaikan atau penurunan harga Maxis adalah bergantung kepada kegunaan pelangan dan juga situasi ekonomi negara yang akan berubah dari semasa ke semasa. Oleh kerana itu, syarikat Maxis mengambil berat dalam kebajikan pelanggannya. Mereka juga memasarkan produk mereka dikala ekonomi sedang meningkat dan akan mengurangkannya dalam masa tertentu. Penjenamaan juga perlu membezakan satu keluaran dari keluaran yang lain bagi memudahkan pengguna Maxis mengenali produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan.
Pergaulan sosial antara syarikat dengan pelanggannya sangat berguna kerana hubungan syarikat dengan pelanggan mampu untuk menambah keuntungan dari segi moral kerana pelanggan mungkin berasa dihargai. Dengan menganjurkan pelbagai acara seperti konsert, promosi jualan barangan elektronik seperti telefon bimbit yang dilengkapi dengan Sim Kad Hotlink atau dengan pelbagai bonus, sudah semestinya akan mewujudkan kepuashatian terhadap pelanggan.
Dalam era globalisasi ini, keperluan dan penggunaan teknologi makin laris dipergunakan dari umur kanak-kanak sehinggalah dewasa. Maxis, telahpun membuat kajian teknologi dan berjaya mengembangkannya mengikut peredaran masa. Seperti contohnya, hanya kad yang berdaftar penggunaan 3G atau WAP sahaja boleh menggunakan teknologi 3G atau panggilan video.
Group 1 - McD

McDonals merupakan salah satu "fast food" yang terkenal di seluruh Malaysia dan di serata dunia.Mcdonalds menyediakan beberapa jenis makanan kepada pelanggan.Antara jenis makanan yang disediakan ialah chess burge,beef burge dan sebagainya.Selain dari itu Mcdonalds juga menydia beberapa jenis pencuci mulut seperti aiscream dan sebagainya.Mcdonals juga telah menyediakan beberapa jenis perkhidmatan untuk membeli makanan yang disediakan.Contohnya perkhidmatan Drive Thru.Mcdelivery servis dah sebagainya. Mcdonal juga telah membuka banyak cawangan di seluruh Malaysia. Bukan di Malaysia sahaja,Mcdonals juga telah membuka cawangannya di seluruh dunia.
Definition of Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:-
Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.
Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. [1] The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or services.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as "The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably."[2]
Marketing practice tended to be seen as a creative industry in the past, which included advertising, distribution and selling. However, because the academic study of marketing makes extensive use of social sciences, psychology, sociology, mathematics, economics, anthropology and neuroscience, the profession is now widely recognized as a science, allowing numerous universities to offer Master-of-Science (MSc) programmes. The overall process starts with marketing research and goes through market segmentation, business planning and execution, ending with pre and post-sales promotional activities. It is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the culture.
Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions[3], whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new approaches.
The marketing concept
The term marketing concept pertains to the fundamental premise of modern marketing. This can be laid out as recognising consumer needs/wants, then designing products and services that correlate with consumer desires.
[edit] Marketing orientations
An orientation, in the marketing context, relates to a perception or attitude a firm holds towards its product or service, essentially concerning consumers and end-users. There exist several common orientations:
[edit] Product orientation
A firm employing a product orientation is chiefly concerned with the quality of its own product. A firm would also assume that as long as its product was of a high standard, people would buy and consume the product.
This works most effectively when the firm has good insights about customers and their needs and desires, as for example in the case of Sony Walkman or Apple iPod, whether these derive from intuitions or research.
[edit] Sales orientation
A firm using a sales orientation focuses primarily on the selling/promotion of a particular product, and not determining new consumer desires as such. Consequently, this entails simply selling an already existing product, and using promotion techniques to attain the highest sales possible.
Such an orientation may suit scenarios in which a firm holds dead stock, or otherwise sells a good that is in high demand, with little likelihood of changes in consumer tastes diminishing demand.
[edit] Production orientation
A firm focusing on a production orientation specializes in producing as much as possible of a given good. Thus, this signifies a firm exploiting economies of scale, until the minimum efficient scale is reached.
A production orientation may be deployed when a high demand for a good exists, coupled with a good certainty that consumer tastes do not rapidly alter (similar to the sales orientation).
[edit] Marketing orientation
The marketing orientation is perhaps the most common orientation used in contemporary marketing. It involves a firm essentially basing its marketing plans around the marketing concept, and thus forging products to suit new consumer tastes.
As an example, a firm would employ market research to gauge consumer desires, use R&D to develop a good attuned to the revealed information, and then utilise promotion techniques to ensure persons know the good exists. The marketing orientation often has three prime facets, which are:
[edit] Customer orientation
A firm in the market economy survives by producing goods that persons are willing and able to buy. Consequently, ascertaining consumer demand is vital for a firm's future viability and even existence as a going concern.
[edit] Organizational orientation
All departments of a firm should be geared to satisfying consumer wants/needs. In this sense, a firm's marketing department is often seen as of prime importance within the functional level of an organisation.
Information from an organisation's marketing department would be used to guide the actions of other department's within the firm. As an example, a marketing department could ascertain (via marketing research) that consumers desired a new type of product, or a new usage for an existing product. With this in mind, the marketing department would inform the R&D department to create a prototype of a good/service based on consumers' new desires.
The production department would then start to manufacture the good, while the marketing department would focus on the promotion, distribution, pricing, etc. of the product. Additionally, a firm's finance department would be consulted, with respect to securing appropriate funding for the development, production and promotion of the product.
Inter-departmental conflicts are possible to occur, should a firm adhere to the marketing orientation. Production may oppose the installation, support and servicing of new capital stock, which may be needed to manufacture a new product. Finance may oppose the required capital expenditure, since it could undermine a healthy cash flow for the organisation.
[edit] Mutually beneficial exchange
In a transaction in the market economy, a firm gains revenue, which thus leads to more profits/market share/sales. A consumer on the other hand gains a need/want that is satisfied, utility, reliability and value for money from the purchase of a good. As no one has to buy goods from any one supplier in the market economy, firms must entice consumers to buy goods with contemporary marketing ideals.
[edit] The Four Ps
Main article: Marketing mix
In the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, at the Michigan State University in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion.
Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support.
Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science.
Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing. This third P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales.
Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, including promotional education, publicity, and personal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.
These four elements are often referred to as the marketing mix,[4] which a marketer can use to craft a marketing plan.
The four Ps model is most useful when marketing low value consumer products. Industrial products, services, high value consumer products require adjustments to this model. Services marketing must account for the unique nature of services.
Industrial or B2B marketing must account for the long term contractual agreements that are typical in supply chain transactions. Relationship marketing attempts to do this by looking at marketing from a long term relationship perspective rather than individual transactions.
As a counter to this, Morgan, in Riding the Waves of Change (Jossey-Bass, 1988), suggests that one of the greatest limitations of the 4 Ps approach "is that it unconsciously emphasizes the inside–out view (looking from the company outwards), whereas the essence of marketing should be the outside–in approach".
[edit] The marketing environment
The term "marketing environment" relates to all of the factors (whether internal, external, direct or indirect) that affects a firm's marketing decision-making/planning. A firm's marketing environment consists of three main areas, which are:
The macro-environment, over which a firm holds little control
The micro-environment, over which a firm holds a greater amount (though not necessarily total) control
The internal environment
[edit] The macro-environment
A firm's marketing macro-environment consists of a variety of external factors that manifest on a large (or macro) scale. These are typically economic, social, political or technological phenomena. A common method of assessing a firm's macro-environment is via a PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Ecological) analysis. Within a PESTLE analysis, a firm would analyse national political issues, culture and climate, key macroeconomic conditions, health and indicators (such as economic growth, inflation, unemployment, etc.), social trends/attitudes, and the nature of technology's impact on its society and the business processes within the society.
[edit] The micro-environment
A firm's micro-environment comprises factors pertinent to the firm itself, or stakeholders closely connected with the firm.
[edit] Marketing research
Marketing research involves conducting research to support marketing activities, and the statistical interpretation of data into information. This information is then used by managers to plan marketing activities, gauge the nature of a firm's marketing environment, attain information from suppliers, etc.
A distinction should be made between marketing research and market research. Market research pertains to research in a given market. As an example, a firm may conduct research in a target market, after selecting a suitable market segment. In contrast, marketing research relates to all research conducted within marketing. Thus, market research is a subset of marketing research.
Marketing researchers use statistical methods (such as quantitative research, qualitative research, hypothesis tests, Chi-squared tests, linear regression, correlation co-efficients, frequency distributions, Poisson and Binomial distributions, etc.) to interpret their findings and convert data into information.
[edit] Product
Main article: New Product Development
[edit] Branding
Main article: Brand
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes products and services from competitive offerings. A brand represents the consumers' experience with an organization, product, or service. A brand is more than a name, design or symbol. Brand reflects personality of the company which is organizational culture.
A brand has also been defined as an identifiable entity that makes a specific value based on promises made and kept either actively or passively.
Branding means creating reference of certain products in mind.
Co-branding involves marketing activity involving two or more products.
[edit] Marketing communications
Marketing communications breaks down the strategies involved with marketing messages into categories based on the goals of each message. There are distinct stages in converting strangers to customers that govern the communication medium that should be used.
[edit] Personal sales
Oral presentation given by a salesperson who approaches individuals or a group of potential customers:
Live, interactive relationship
Personal interest
Attention and response
Interesting presentation
Clear and thorough.
[edit] Sales promotion
Short-term incentives to encourage buying of products:
Instant appeal
Anxiety to sell
An example is coupons or a sale. People are given an incentive to buy, but this does not build customer loyalty or encourage future repeat buys. A major drawback of sales promotion is that it is easily copied by competition. It cannot be used as a sustainable source of differentiation.
[edit] Customer focus
Many companies today have a customer focus (or market orientation). This implies that the company focuses its activities and products on consumer demands. Generally there are three ways of doing this: the customer-driven approach, the sense of identifying market changes and the product innovation approach.
In the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. No strategy is pursued until it passes the test of consumer research. Every aspect of a market offering, including the nature of the product itself, is driven by the needs of potential consumers. The starting point is always the consumer. The rationale for this approach is that there is no point spending R&D funds developing products that people will not buy. History attests to many products that were commercial failures in spite of being technological breakthroughs.[5]
A formal approach to this customer-focused marketing is known as SIVA[6] (Solution, Information, Value, Access). This system is basically the four Ps renamed and reworded to provide a customer focus.
[edit] Product focus
In a product innovation approach, the company pursues product innovation, then tries to develop a market for the product. Product innovation drives the process and marketing research is conducted primarily to ensure that profitable market segment(s) exist for the innovation. The rationale is that customers may not know what options will be available to them in the future so we should not expect them to tell us what they will buy in the future. However, marketers can aggressively over-pursue product innovation and try to overcapitalize on a niche. When pursuing a product innovation approach, marketers must ensure that they have a varied and multi-tiered approach to product innovation. It is claimed that if Thomas Edison depended on marketing research he would have produced larger candles rather than inventing light bulbs. Many firms, such as research and development focused companies, successfully focus on product innovation. Many purists doubt whether this is really a form of marketing orientation at all, because of the ex post status of consumer research. Some even question whether it is marketing.
An emerging area of study and practice concerns internal marketing, or how employees are trained and managed to deliver the brand in a way that positively impacts the acquisition and retention of customers (employer branding).
Diffusion of innovations research explores how and why people adopt new products, services and ideas.
A relatively new form of marketing uses the Internet and is called Internet marketing or more generally e-marketing, affiliate marketing, desktop advertising or online marketing. It tries to perfect the segmentation strategy used in traditional marketing. It targets its audience more precisely, and is sometimes called personalized marketing or one-to-one marketing.
With consumers' eroding attention span and willingness to give time to advertising messages, marketers are turning to forms of permission marketing such as branded content, custom media and reality marketing.
The use of herd behavior in marketing.
The Economist reported a recent conference in Rome on the subject of the simulation of adaptive human behavior.[7] It shared mechanisms to increase impulse buying and get people "to buy more by playing on the herd instinct." The basic idea is that people will buy more of products that are seen to be popular, and several feedback mechanisms to get product popularity information to consumers are mentioned, including smart-cart technology and the use of Radio Frequency Identification Tag technology. A "swarm-moves" model was introduced by a Florida Institute of Technology researcher, which is appealing to supermarkets because it can "increase sales without the need to give people discounts."
Marketing is also used to promote business' products and is a great way to promote the business.
Other recent studies on the "power of social influence" include an "artificial music market in which some 14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs" (Columbia University, New York); a Japanese chain of convenience stores which orders its products based on "sales data from department stores and research companies;" a Massachusetts company exploiting knowledge of social networking to improve sales; and online retailers who are increasingly informing consumers about "which products are popular with like-minded consumers" (e.g., Amazon, eBay).
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:-
Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.
Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. [1] The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or services.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as "The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably."[2]
Marketing practice tended to be seen as a creative industry in the past, which included advertising, distribution and selling. However, because the academic study of marketing makes extensive use of social sciences, psychology, sociology, mathematics, economics, anthropology and neuroscience, the profession is now widely recognized as a science, allowing numerous universities to offer Master-of-Science (MSc) programmes. The overall process starts with marketing research and goes through market segmentation, business planning and execution, ending with pre and post-sales promotional activities. It is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the culture.
Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions[3], whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new approaches.
The marketing concept
The term marketing concept pertains to the fundamental premise of modern marketing. This can be laid out as recognising consumer needs/wants, then designing products and services that correlate with consumer desires.
[edit] Marketing orientations
An orientation, in the marketing context, relates to a perception or attitude a firm holds towards its product or service, essentially concerning consumers and end-users. There exist several common orientations:
[edit] Product orientation
A firm employing a product orientation is chiefly concerned with the quality of its own product. A firm would also assume that as long as its product was of a high standard, people would buy and consume the product.
This works most effectively when the firm has good insights about customers and their needs and desires, as for example in the case of Sony Walkman or Apple iPod, whether these derive from intuitions or research.
[edit] Sales orientation
A firm using a sales orientation focuses primarily on the selling/promotion of a particular product, and not determining new consumer desires as such. Consequently, this entails simply selling an already existing product, and using promotion techniques to attain the highest sales possible.
Such an orientation may suit scenarios in which a firm holds dead stock, or otherwise sells a good that is in high demand, with little likelihood of changes in consumer tastes diminishing demand.
[edit] Production orientation
A firm focusing on a production orientation specializes in producing as much as possible of a given good. Thus, this signifies a firm exploiting economies of scale, until the minimum efficient scale is reached.
A production orientation may be deployed when a high demand for a good exists, coupled with a good certainty that consumer tastes do not rapidly alter (similar to the sales orientation).
[edit] Marketing orientation
The marketing orientation is perhaps the most common orientation used in contemporary marketing. It involves a firm essentially basing its marketing plans around the marketing concept, and thus forging products to suit new consumer tastes.
As an example, a firm would employ market research to gauge consumer desires, use R&D to develop a good attuned to the revealed information, and then utilise promotion techniques to ensure persons know the good exists. The marketing orientation often has three prime facets, which are:
[edit] Customer orientation
A firm in the market economy survives by producing goods that persons are willing and able to buy. Consequently, ascertaining consumer demand is vital for a firm's future viability and even existence as a going concern.
[edit] Organizational orientation
All departments of a firm should be geared to satisfying consumer wants/needs. In this sense, a firm's marketing department is often seen as of prime importance within the functional level of an organisation.
Information from an organisation's marketing department would be used to guide the actions of other department's within the firm. As an example, a marketing department could ascertain (via marketing research) that consumers desired a new type of product, or a new usage for an existing product. With this in mind, the marketing department would inform the R&D department to create a prototype of a good/service based on consumers' new desires.
The production department would then start to manufacture the good, while the marketing department would focus on the promotion, distribution, pricing, etc. of the product. Additionally, a firm's finance department would be consulted, with respect to securing appropriate funding for the development, production and promotion of the product.
Inter-departmental conflicts are possible to occur, should a firm adhere to the marketing orientation. Production may oppose the installation, support and servicing of new capital stock, which may be needed to manufacture a new product. Finance may oppose the required capital expenditure, since it could undermine a healthy cash flow for the organisation.
[edit] Mutually beneficial exchange
In a transaction in the market economy, a firm gains revenue, which thus leads to more profits/market share/sales. A consumer on the other hand gains a need/want that is satisfied, utility, reliability and value for money from the purchase of a good. As no one has to buy goods from any one supplier in the market economy, firms must entice consumers to buy goods with contemporary marketing ideals.
[edit] The Four Ps
Main article: Marketing mix
In the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, at the Michigan State University in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion.
Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support.
Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science.
Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing. This third P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales.
Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, including promotional education, publicity, and personal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.
These four elements are often referred to as the marketing mix,[4] which a marketer can use to craft a marketing plan.
The four Ps model is most useful when marketing low value consumer products. Industrial products, services, high value consumer products require adjustments to this model. Services marketing must account for the unique nature of services.
Industrial or B2B marketing must account for the long term contractual agreements that are typical in supply chain transactions. Relationship marketing attempts to do this by looking at marketing from a long term relationship perspective rather than individual transactions.
As a counter to this, Morgan, in Riding the Waves of Change (Jossey-Bass, 1988), suggests that one of the greatest limitations of the 4 Ps approach "is that it unconsciously emphasizes the inside–out view (looking from the company outwards), whereas the essence of marketing should be the outside–in approach".
[edit] The marketing environment
The term "marketing environment" relates to all of the factors (whether internal, external, direct or indirect) that affects a firm's marketing decision-making/planning. A firm's marketing environment consists of three main areas, which are:
The macro-environment, over which a firm holds little control
The micro-environment, over which a firm holds a greater amount (though not necessarily total) control
The internal environment
[edit] The macro-environment
A firm's marketing macro-environment consists of a variety of external factors that manifest on a large (or macro) scale. These are typically economic, social, political or technological phenomena. A common method of assessing a firm's macro-environment is via a PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Ecological) analysis. Within a PESTLE analysis, a firm would analyse national political issues, culture and climate, key macroeconomic conditions, health and indicators (such as economic growth, inflation, unemployment, etc.), social trends/attitudes, and the nature of technology's impact on its society and the business processes within the society.
[edit] The micro-environment
A firm's micro-environment comprises factors pertinent to the firm itself, or stakeholders closely connected with the firm.
[edit] Marketing research
Marketing research involves conducting research to support marketing activities, and the statistical interpretation of data into information. This information is then used by managers to plan marketing activities, gauge the nature of a firm's marketing environment, attain information from suppliers, etc.
A distinction should be made between marketing research and market research. Market research pertains to research in a given market. As an example, a firm may conduct research in a target market, after selecting a suitable market segment. In contrast, marketing research relates to all research conducted within marketing. Thus, market research is a subset of marketing research.
Marketing researchers use statistical methods (such as quantitative research, qualitative research, hypothesis tests, Chi-squared tests, linear regression, correlation co-efficients, frequency distributions, Poisson and Binomial distributions, etc.) to interpret their findings and convert data into information.
[edit] Product
Main article: New Product Development
[edit] Branding
Main article: Brand
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes products and services from competitive offerings. A brand represents the consumers' experience with an organization, product, or service. A brand is more than a name, design or symbol. Brand reflects personality of the company which is organizational culture.
A brand has also been defined as an identifiable entity that makes a specific value based on promises made and kept either actively or passively.
Branding means creating reference of certain products in mind.
Co-branding involves marketing activity involving two or more products.
[edit] Marketing communications
Marketing communications breaks down the strategies involved with marketing messages into categories based on the goals of each message. There are distinct stages in converting strangers to customers that govern the communication medium that should be used.
[edit] Personal sales
Oral presentation given by a salesperson who approaches individuals or a group of potential customers:
Live, interactive relationship
Personal interest
Attention and response
Interesting presentation
Clear and thorough.
[edit] Sales promotion
Short-term incentives to encourage buying of products:
Instant appeal
Anxiety to sell
An example is coupons or a sale. People are given an incentive to buy, but this does not build customer loyalty or encourage future repeat buys. A major drawback of sales promotion is that it is easily copied by competition. It cannot be used as a sustainable source of differentiation.
[edit] Customer focus
Many companies today have a customer focus (or market orientation). This implies that the company focuses its activities and products on consumer demands. Generally there are three ways of doing this: the customer-driven approach, the sense of identifying market changes and the product innovation approach.
In the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. No strategy is pursued until it passes the test of consumer research. Every aspect of a market offering, including the nature of the product itself, is driven by the needs of potential consumers. The starting point is always the consumer. The rationale for this approach is that there is no point spending R&D funds developing products that people will not buy. History attests to many products that were commercial failures in spite of being technological breakthroughs.[5]
A formal approach to this customer-focused marketing is known as SIVA[6] (Solution, Information, Value, Access). This system is basically the four Ps renamed and reworded to provide a customer focus.
[edit] Product focus
In a product innovation approach, the company pursues product innovation, then tries to develop a market for the product. Product innovation drives the process and marketing research is conducted primarily to ensure that profitable market segment(s) exist for the innovation. The rationale is that customers may not know what options will be available to them in the future so we should not expect them to tell us what they will buy in the future. However, marketers can aggressively over-pursue product innovation and try to overcapitalize on a niche. When pursuing a product innovation approach, marketers must ensure that they have a varied and multi-tiered approach to product innovation. It is claimed that if Thomas Edison depended on marketing research he would have produced larger candles rather than inventing light bulbs. Many firms, such as research and development focused companies, successfully focus on product innovation. Many purists doubt whether this is really a form of marketing orientation at all, because of the ex post status of consumer research. Some even question whether it is marketing.
An emerging area of study and practice concerns internal marketing, or how employees are trained and managed to deliver the brand in a way that positively impacts the acquisition and retention of customers (employer branding).
Diffusion of innovations research explores how and why people adopt new products, services and ideas.
A relatively new form of marketing uses the Internet and is called Internet marketing or more generally e-marketing, affiliate marketing, desktop advertising or online marketing. It tries to perfect the segmentation strategy used in traditional marketing. It targets its audience more precisely, and is sometimes called personalized marketing or one-to-one marketing.
With consumers' eroding attention span and willingness to give time to advertising messages, marketers are turning to forms of permission marketing such as branded content, custom media and reality marketing.
The use of herd behavior in marketing.
The Economist reported a recent conference in Rome on the subject of the simulation of adaptive human behavior.[7] It shared mechanisms to increase impulse buying and get people "to buy more by playing on the herd instinct." The basic idea is that people will buy more of products that are seen to be popular, and several feedback mechanisms to get product popularity information to consumers are mentioned, including smart-cart technology and the use of Radio Frequency Identification Tag technology. A "swarm-moves" model was introduced by a Florida Institute of Technology researcher, which is appealing to supermarkets because it can "increase sales without the need to give people discounts."
Marketing is also used to promote business' products and is a great way to promote the business.
Other recent studies on the "power of social influence" include an "artificial music market in which some 14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs" (Columbia University, New York); a Japanese chain of convenience stores which orders its products based on "sales data from department stores and research companies;" a Massachusetts company exploiting knowledge of social networking to improve sales; and online retailers who are increasingly informing consumers about "which products are popular with like-minded consumers" (e.g., Amazon, eBay).
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